Thriving Against All Odds
I didn’t recognize the young man I sat down beside. We smiled at each other, and I extended my hand and said, “Hi, I’m Diane, what’s your name?” He smiled and said, “Stanley!”
Choosing Life
We have a very special and unique blog for you today. Adrian Collins is our amazing Hope’s Promise Adoption and Pregnancy Blog Editor and has been gracing us with her beautifully written words since 2017.
Speaking for Those Who Cannot
There was a time in my life when trauma stunned me into silence. I unexpectedly learned about harm perpetrated against someone I love. A friend exposed the truth to me with kindness and sensitivity, but I walked away from the conversation shattered.
A Guiding Hand for Birthmothers-The Adoption Process
Paige, a college student, just learned she is pregnant. Terrified, alone and confused, she holds a positive pregnancy test in her hand, wondering what to do next.
Love Does Adoption
There is a growing stack of books on my nightstand that I intend to read one of these days. Some nights I manage to read a few pages. Most nights I barely skim a paragraph or two before my eyes glaze over and the book gets returned to the stack.
A Night Dedicated to Helping Children
The aroma of delectable cuisine greeted hundreds of guests as they arrived at the BAC Appliance Center in Englewood, Colorado on Thursday evening, April 19, for Hope’s Promise Fourth Annual Food Festival.
A Birth Mom’s Memorial
I was 24 when I found out I was pregnant. While I was shocked, I wasn’t necessarily surprised. Raised in a Christian home, I attended church and youth group faithfully throughout high school.
United in Dependence: praying for orphans and caregivers
The orphan. Vulnerable. Defenseless. Helpless.
Me. Desperate. Needy. Dependent.
Do my feelings of desperation and helplessness help me identify with children rescued from abandonment? How do I respond to my own emotional and spiritual struggles, let alone those of others?
The Pillowcase Project
The orphan crisis is overwhelming. With more than 140 million orphaned children in our world it is easy to feel that nothing we do can make a difference. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. If we each do something, we are much closer to solving the issue.
Do What You can for Orphan Children
If you were to ask me how old I was when I first learned about orphaned children, or in what context, I wouldn’t be able to recall for sure. Perhaps it began with “The Rescuers” – a cartoon movie about two mice who help an orphan named Penny escape from the terrible Madam Medusa.