Overcoming Grief and Guilt as a Birth Mom
I have been a birth mother for eight years. There are times when these eight years have felt longer, and sometimes its still hard to believe I’m a birth mom at all.
On Handling Adoptive Parent Guilt
It was only three weeks from the time we learned we’d been chosen by an expectant mother to the time our son entered the world. When we received the call that our son had arrived, we drove an hour to finally meet the little boy that would make us parents.
Embracing the Unexpected: How Adoption Intertwined Two Families
Marva and Robin never expected a forever bond to take place between their two families. They never anticipated a lasting friendship to be formed.
Finding God in the Details: A Birth Mom’s Story
I made an adoption plan for my son in 2001. At the time, I was nineteen and had just started a relationship with the birth father, Mike, when I discovered I was pregnant.
God Knew All Along
I have been inspired by many in this world: Mother Theresa. Nelson Mandela. Harriet Tubman. Oskar Schindler. Their acts of love and courage were recognized and applauded across the globe. Yet there is a hero of mine whose name is neither printed in any publication or shared on news media. She has become one of my greatest inspirations. She is my son’s birth mom.
Daring Prayers for Adoptive Children
After many heartbreaking years of infertility, Leigh and Corrie adopted a healthy baby boy. They took him home from the hospital, and they all lived happily ever after.
But wait. There’s more. Because sometimes the happy endings we imagine just aren’t spectacular enough for God.
A Voice for Birth Moms: The Importance of Community
My fingers frantically typed on my keyboard: “Birth mother support group.” I hit the search button and waited. I placed one hand on my growing belly and hoped I could find someone who could understand.
Choosing Life
We have a very special and unique blog for you today. Adrian Collins is our amazing Hope’s Promise Adoption and Pregnancy Blog Editor and has been gracing us with her beautifully written words since 2017.
Traveling to Jupiter and Back
Each adoption story is unique. No two mimic one another. Some adoptions happen with ease with others involve long periods of waiting and hardships. One thing I know for certain is this—God’s fingerprints are left on every child and every adoption journey.
A Birth Mom’s Adoption Choice
I think I’m a good person, but I haven’t always made good choices. Getting pregnant wasn’t what I planned. God isn’t surprised. He still loves me and will see me through, just like always.