Once Orphaned, Now Family
Looking around at my lush surroundings one would think that I was in a tropical paradise. With giggles and squeals of excitement from the children playing all around me, I couldn’t help but think how fortunate I was to be in that moment.
2017 Kenya Connection Trip
I invite them: come. Come, stand on the brink of devastation, human suffering as you have never seen before.
Beautiful Wounds by Colleen Briggs
He studied my face, streaked with happy tears. His little eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Then he leaned on my shoulder and melted into my embrace. For days after, if he was awake, he was in my arms.
Pregnant and Considering Adoption
If you are pregnant and the pregnancy is unplanned, you may have a lot of questions about next steps and the options to consider. Adoption is one of them and at Hope’s Promise we work with families to help them understand how adoption works.
Orphans in Nepal
Nepal is world-renowned for towering majestic mountains, fertile terraced fields, and verdant valleys. Nepal is no less than the magical, enticing destination that Tourist Guidebooks claim.