An Adoption Story: How God’s Love Is Revealed
My son who joined our family through adoption celebrates his tenth birthday this February. Looking into his chocolate brown eyes, I’m still in awe of how God touched my heart through adoption.
Once Lost, Now Found
I once lived, moved and breathed right smack in the heart of the biblical parable of the lost sheep, albeit contextualized for Colorado Springs, Colorado. Now, in these parts, at least in the city, we don’t herd many sheep; but we have cliffs, frigid winter nights, and hungry predators.
Threads of Love
IMAGINE the Possibilities! Strive for GRACE! Stand TALL! NEVER give up on the things you care passionately about! Don’t be afraid to put down ROOTS! LOVE!
A Kingdom Prayer
The Kingdom of God is like a baker whose job it is to bake and supply bread daily for his community. The baker bakes just enough bread for each day because any excess will be stale and will not be good or enjoyable.
Thy Kingdom Come: Faith and Action
Christmas is a magical time of year. Twinkling lights, dustings of snow, precious time with family and friends, and most importantly the opportunity to celebrate the very roots of God’s Kingdom coming to earth for the first time; Jesus’ birth.