The Heart of Sponsorship
The following is an interview with Dianna, who is a sponsor for two Hope’s Promise children in Kenya. Dianna and her husband are adoptive parents and she also serves on the Hope’s Promise board of directors.
In Her Own Words: A Birth Mom’s Journey
Sophia is a birth mother who placed her son for adoption through Hope’s Promise. She is now a vocal coach who teaches at a music studio. This is her story.
Want to Change the World? It Starts With You!
“Take me home. I’m to be given away” was the hand-written sign hanging around a small 3-year-old girl’s neck as she sat in the dirt in front of an outdoor market. She was alone, helpless, and terrified. Without the intervention, her fate was all but written.
Butterfly-A Birth Mom’s Transformation
After all these years, my dad still calls me his Butterfly. I was given the name as a young child after I’d mastered every lyric to the Sunday School favorite, “If I were a Butterfly,” and knew all the hand motions by heart.