Creating a Memory Book for my Birth Child
A collage of childhood photos lay strewn across my desk as I held a pair of shears. I studied each photograph and wondered, What would my child want to know about me?
Always Held
You slip into the world raw and trembling, aching for tender touch. But instead, the one you most long for walks away.
Embracing the Unexpected: How Adoption Intertwined Two Families
Marva and Robin never expected a forever bond to take place between their two families. They never anticipated a lasting friendship to be formed.
Finding God in the Details: A Birth Mom’s Story
I made an adoption plan for my son in 2001. At the time, I was nineteen and had just started a relationship with the birth father, Mike, when I discovered I was pregnant.
If Devastation Had a Face
A shuddering breath escapes my lungs as I take in the environment surrounding me. This is my first encounter with the extreme devastation of poverty. I see the tear-stained faces of people who know what it feels like to skip meals on a regular basis.