When Hunting Rhinos
By the time the park ranger warns against wearing red, it’s too late. He tucks my friend in line right after him, hiding her bright shirt behind his camouflaged green. And his big gun. We hope it will be enough.
Above All, Keep Your Heart Free
When Mugabe, thirty-plus-year year dictator of Zimbabwe, bulldozed neighborhoods who didn’t vote for him and committed other horrendous human rights abuses, my friends took international journalists to witness his crimes. And paid for it by ending up on the government hit list.
The first year of my son’s life we saw his birth family almost every single month. I loved getting to know them and I hope and pray that seeing him was a good thing for their hearts.
Littlest Voices
All over the world, they peer from the shadows of deconstructed realities…
Amazing Ten Days in Kenya
How do I summarize ten of the most amazing days of my life? I’m home now, still jet-lagged, but Kenya remains on my mind – the warmth of the Kenyans, the ever-present smiles, the stark beauty of the land, the evocative singing, animals I don’t find in my backyard, the children and the people we met, our awesome team…