Across the World
Across the world, we assume we are so different. Separated by geography, customs, food, governments, and economic and class status. And then the unimaginable happens, chaos encompasses the globe in a universal experience.
Medical Issues in Adopted Children
Now more than ever, adoption agency personnel are being asked to help parents understand pediatric medical and mental health complexities. Whether children are adopted internationally, adopted domestically as newborns, or adopted from foster care,
God Counts in Ones
Hope’s Promise impacts the lives of over one hundred children in four different countries. But each one of “our” kids have a name and a story. Child sponsorship dismantles the statistics and breaks the numbers down into the life of one
When Hunting Rhinos
By the time the park ranger warns against wearing red, it’s too late. He tucks my friend in line right after him, hiding her bright shirt behind his camouflaged green. And his big gun. We hope it will be enough.
Above All, Keep Your Heart Free
When Mugabe, thirty-plus-year year dictator of Zimbabwe, bulldozed neighborhoods who didn’t vote for him and committed other horrendous human rights abuses, my friends took international journalists to witness his crimes. And paid for it by ending up on the government hit list.