3 Powerful Lessons Foster Care Has Taught Me
Adoption, foster care, and advocacy were not part of Jami’s dreams for her life, but God changed her heart when He made her aware, and she is passionate about helping others become aware too! She and her husband Clint are parents to their seven children (five through adoption).
How to Love your Foster Child
It’s a question often asked, or if not asked out loud, it’s that thought that feels too cold to say but a question we ponder nonetheless.
The Effects of Adoption on Biological Siblings
My life changed completely when adoption became part of my story. Adoption encouraged me to become more empathetic, compassionate, understanding, and mature.
Adoption During COVID & the Rising Wave of Children
Many have pointed out over the past weeks that if there’s a silver lining in the coronavirus pandemic it’s that the virus doesn’t seem to affect children as badly as it affects adults.
Can I Adopt a Baby From Foster Care
In May, we recognized National Foster Care Awareness Month. In the same breath, we advocate for children in foster care who wait for adoptive families.