Hope's Promise offers both Domestic Infant and Inter-country adoption services.

Domestic Infant Adoption

This process involves a birth parent legally consenting to an adoptive placement of their child and an adoptive family is prepared to care for the child as the legal parents. Most infant adoptions through Hope’s Promise involve a voluntary placement directly from the hospital after a baby is born. Adoptive families can choose to wait in the Hope’s Promise waiting pool or work with another placing agency.

Our Process

At Hope’s Promise, we offer both Domestic Infant Adoption Services and Home Study Adoption Services. The adoption process with Hope’s Promise includes:

Step 1

Participate in an informational meeting at Hope’s Promise. Get your questions answered and determine if adoption is right for you.

Step 2

Complete an application for one of Hope’s Promise’s adoption programs.

Step 3

After signing a contract for services you will meet with a Hope’s Promise caseworker for an overview of the adoption paperwork and process. You will then begin submitting all the required documentation through our online portal.

Step 4

Your home study begins. Participate in a series of interviews, including individual interviews, family interviews and a home safety inspection.

Step 5

After receiving approval of your home study, the wait for a domestic match begins.

Step 6

After a successful match or referral, your child joins your family. There is a period of post placement supervision after which the adoption can be finalized!