Because God…














By Becky Culver  

Dedicated to my birth-grandson Landon (adoptive name Justin)  

You did not ask to be brought into this world,
But God knew all about you,
Because God had a plan for you.  

You were not brought about by a carefully planned love,
But God loved you unconditionally,
Because God had a plan for you.  

You taught a young girl to grow up quickly
While you were growing in her womb,
Because God had a plan for her.  

We prayed for God’s will and to see His good,
We strived to do the “right thing”
Because He is a sovereign God. 

They were meant to be parents,
but not in the usual way,
Because God had a plan for them.

They could love many others
along with their adopted one
Because God gave them love from above. 

God brought us together
In His good plan
Because God is a worker of miracles. 

You have been loved by us,
Now you will be loved by them, too,
Because God has entwined our families. 

We are grieving our loss,
Yet rejoicing in their gain,
Because God gives grace when we need it. 

We will always be a part of you,
And you will always be a part of us,
Because God has opened our heart and homes. 

So always remember my little birth-grandson…
You are so blessed,
Because you are loved by so many.
Because God has a plan for you!  

With love and prayers,  

Your Birth-Grandma,

“For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

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